“Water must be free for sustenance needs. Since nature gives water to us free of cost, buying and selling it for profit violates our inherent right to nature’s gift and denies the poor of their human rights.”
Quebec & 1st | City of Vancouver, Green Infrastructure | Vancouver, British Columbia
Improve the bioretention site's soil structure and enhance plant health to ensure the proper capture and treatment of stormwater runoff.
September - November 2023 (Completed)
< 1 ac.
• Soil texture consists of at least 60% sand, a standard growing medium for these types of installations. Sand has poor water-holding capacity, which can result in overall plant stress.
• The distribution of the treatments presented challenging logistics, given that the bioretention cells are divided into five sections and located in one of the busiest streets of Vancouver.
Still to be determined. We will evaluate the impact of the treatments in spring 2024.
Still to be determined.
• Field observations
• Initial testing of the soil biological community using our Core Package Analysis.
Initial treatment | September 2023
Initial treatment | September 2023
Sandy soil texture
Third treatment | November 2023
Third treatment | November 2023
Third treatment | November 2023
Me next to a bioretention cell.